Jornalismo, freelancing, social media... e as estórias por detrás de tudo isto. Por Patrícia Raimundo

Heróis e vilões

Pertinente, divertido, encorajador. Katie Tallo diz que quem vive da escrita tem de saber enfrentar as críticas, os níveis baixos de autoconfiança e as dificuldades que aparecem pelo caminho - os vilões - como um verdadeiro herói. Uma história para ler - e um conselho para seguir - no Write to Done: Become the hero of your writing lifeImperdível.
"We all have our demons. We’ve all heard crappy people say crappy things to us at one time or another in our lives. [...] But if we really want to keep on writing, we have to become the heroes in our own story. We have to stand up to those villains, be vigilant, stay awake to what matters and not let nightmares shape our writing life. To truly come to a place where we see ourselves as good enough, we must defend, fight, envision, love and do our writing. We must let our writer lead the charge."

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