Jornalismo, freelancing, social media... e as estórias por detrás de tudo isto. Por Patrícia Raimundo

Há público para os conteúdos web de qualidade

Um pouco na mesma onda da série de três posts que Paul Bradshaw apresentou recentemente, multiplicam-se as opiniões sobre os artigos de fundo e os conteúdos de alta qualidade na Internet. E sobre o assunto, vale mesmo a  pena ler o que diz Robert Niles em The 'high-quality Web content' experiment has *not* failed -but some news publishers have. 
"There's still huge demand for news and analysis out there. And the Internet's providing new channels through which to meet that demand. So don't blame the audience, or blame the Internet, whenever a particular business fails to make enough money by putting audiences and customers together through those channels.
Put the blame where it belongs, instead - with that business's management."

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