Jornalismo, freelancing, social media... e as estórias por detrás de tudo isto. Por Patrícia Raimundo

Preocupações de freelancer

Os leitores do Freelance Switch andam preocupados. Com a queda dos preços, com a competição, enfim, com o futuro do freelancing. Thursday Bram desconstrói o medo e relembra que nunca ninguém disse que ia ser canja. Mas também não é nada que não se resolva com a dose certa de investimento e umas quantas sessões de tentativa-e-erro.
"The future of freelancing has a lot of work in it. There are plenty of opportunities for any freelancer willing to dig in and find them. Sure, you do have to sort through bad gigs and promote yourself to the right people — but no one ever said that being a freelancer was a piece of cake. You’ve got to invest your time to get out the money you want to earn.
Don’t let the future scare you. All it represents is a new set of freelancing opportunities you just haven’t gotten to yet."

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